What is cognition?

Posted on Sep 17, 2021

What is cognition?


My vague idea of cognition before reading up on the subject

  • If we are executing some task mentally then that is cognition.

Cognition can be how one perceive things around which acts a layer above basic senses.

Basic senses? There are 5 senses as I know of :: Touch, Smell, Taste, Hear & See

So probably what I think is cognition acts as a layer above these senses; the above senses just gives input as sensory information which we can say in terms of excitation of neuron ~at the last level.

Now, the cognition layer basically make sense of the above information, interpreting it at a higher level. For example, let’s say we are seeing some image ~ now the cognition layer is the one which focuses on the subject of interest.

Cognition Layer probably helps in creating memories ~

i.e. after interpreting the sensory information, if some things are worth remembering for the brain it transfers the information to hippocampus to store

? Cognition layer also consists of memory recall~ which is basically we have some stored information in the brain and the brain is fetching it.

Special points: memory can be unreliable “as some studies suggests”

What Wikipedia says + my thoughts

Can we say?

Experience = Thoughts + Senses

What wikipedia says: it is the process of acquiring knowledge from the lower level which includes thoughts, senses + experience?

Includes:: Perception, Attention, the formation of knowledge, memory, working memory, reasoning, “computation”, problem solving, recall?, decision making, comprehension and production of language.

Thought is an abstract entity, while cognition is something which works on thoughts as an input. It is rather the algorithm, or the process.

Does cognition includes all the depth of memory i.e. is hippocampus for example the part of the cognition? Is the memory store “physical” part of cognition or is it just the “logical layer”?

What is knowledge?

Knowledge might be basically extracting out useful information from the sensory data and probably later on store in the memory to be used later on actively in life.


The above notes are my viewpoints and my understanding of what cognition is.