Multisource Bellman Ford

Posted on Apr 24, 2021


Consider a situation in which we want to calculate the minimum distance we can move in pre-determined amount of steps, let’s say $k$ for all the nodes in a graph.

How can we go around with solving this efficiently?

Bellman Ford

Considering the point of $k$ steps, one can think of bellman ford which have an outer-most loop for iterations. And in each iteration - each edge is considered. Thus moving step by step with each iteration.

[Bellman-Ford](https: // can be utilised for finding negative cycles (while using single-source) and can perform single-source-shortest-path algorithm in $O(NE)$ for a graph with $N$ nodes and $E$ edges.

Multi-source Bellman Ford

Consider the given problem in the introduction section, it comes easily that one can utilise bellman ford algorithm with $k$ iterations initialising $dp[node] = 0$ for all nodes.

vector<LL> dp(n);
forn(d, k/2){
    vector<LL> newdp(n, INF);
    for(e: edges){
      // update new DP here 
    swap(dp, newdp);
