Randomized Solution

Posted on Apr 21, 2021

This post is regarding a recent problem from Codeforces Round 716 Div2 which can be solved using a randomized approach.

This is the first problem I solved using randomization approach, so it’s special.


This problem requires to find out the existence of the super-most frequent element in a given range $[l, r]$ of an array.

Definition: Super-most frequent element in a range $[l,r]$ is the element with frequency greater than $\lceil \frac{r-l+1}{2} \rceil$.

To find such an array element (let’s say it exists), it can be seen that the probability of any array element between $[l, r]$ to be super-most freuqent (SMF) is $1/2$ as the number of SMF is greater than half of the total.

Therefore, we can utilize a random algorithmic approach, where we will choose an element randomly from the range $[l,r]$ ~$40$ times and check it’s frequency in $O(\log n)$ using binary search over the indices it occur. $40$ times because then the probability of all of the selected random element not to be SMF will be $2^{-40}$ which is really less.

To generate the random number in c++ following code can be used:

// initializing random_number_generator - rng
mt19937 rng(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());

// to generate a number in the range [l, r]
int random_number = uniform_int_distribution<int>(l,r)(rng)