SSH and Trickery
- Protocol to communicate with other nodes (secure shell)
- Other examples of protocol are HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, … (each one have some port of their own) like 22 for SSH, 21 for FTP
- Traffic is encrypted <3
The server must have SSHD server (Open SSH Daemon) — for listening to the requests
> ssh [username]@[IP Address]
Authentication Methods
- Password
- SSH keys — can be used with git
- Host
Generate SSH key & Commands
> ssh-keygen [-T rsa]
~/.ssh/id_[rsa/something].pub -> Public Key
> ssh-add [path_to_file]
~/.ssh/authorized_keys -> file for adding public keys on server
After generating keys, they can be uploaded to the server so as to get authorized access without traditional username-password pair.
Note For GitHub SSH
Update the .ssh/config file by adding the following code for connecting to github after configuring SSH keys
Port 443
To check if the steps were successful, try the following code
$ ssh -T
> usermod -aG sudo [username]
-- For adding sudo permissions to the [username]
- PORT — 22 can be seen in the config file sshd_config
> sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
-- SSH config file
> sudo systemctl reload sshd
-- After updating --
- Some UNIX commands
> sudo chown [Do Not Include~"change owner"] -R [user]:[group] [path to directory]
- SCP? — secure file copy, drag and drop file to suvey?
- For copying files across local and server