Git and Github
Github & Git
Github — Distributed Version Control System
| * --> * --> * ---> * ---> (*) |(Final Node)
| \ /
* ----> * --> * --> * (Distributed)
Some commands
- git init
- git status
- git remove –cached — To unstage
- git restore — to get back previously commited file
- git commit -a (short git add + commit)
- git push origin [branch name] — send branch name to origin (in this case - website)
- git merge [branch-name] — merge to current branch
- git pull origin [branch-name]
- git branch -D branch-name —> To delete
Pushing code to local repositry
- Add stuff → git add . (adds stuff to staging area)
<---- git [remove --cached]/reset <--
| |
Files -> |------ Staging Area ------|
: -> Ready to go to Local Repo.
MASTER - containing latest working + tested code (works as a backup)
DEVELOP - Test and merge to MASTER
RANDOM BRANCH — For specific tasks
Git Stash
git stash -u “— why is u being used?”
- Saves the file into temporary storage
git stash list
git stash pop
— Don’t delete .git file folder? what does it contain? META DATA about the git
— Is there any special use of github desktop? or CLI is good enough?
— HTML (everything should be in lower case?)
— Is SSH good? shifted to todos
— Upstream/Downstream concept for “git stash -u”
- Checkout SSH workflow