Set Theoretic View of Piano's Fifth Axiom

Posted on Nov 5, 2020

Piano’s Fifth Axiom

This blog covers the proof of Piano’s Fifth Axiom using set theoretic definitions which are being used to develop Piano’s Axioms.

Axiom: If $n$ and $w$ are in $\omega$, and if $n^{+} = m^{+}$ then $n = m$.

To prove the given axiom, we need to first go through two propositions,

Proposition 1. No natural number is a subset of any of it’s elements.
Proof 1: Consider the set $S$ with the given properties, now as $0 = \emptyset$, therefore no elements in $0$ exists hence $0$ is not a subset of any of it’s elements or $0 \in S$.

Induction Step: Consider $n \in S$, now as $n = n$ therefore $n \subset n$ hence $n$ can not be an element of $n$ i.e. $n \notin n$ as otherwise $n \notin S$. Considering, $n^{+} = n \cup {n}$, as $n \notin n$ therefore $n^{+} \not\subset n$ — (1).

Now let $n^{+} \subset x$ therefore $n \subset x$, which gives $x \notin n$, therefore $n^{+}$ is not a subset of any $x \in n$. Hence, $n^{+}$ is not a subset of any element of $n^{+}$ showing that $n^{+} \in S$.

Now by mathematical induction, $S = \omega$ (the set of natural numbers).

Reference: Naive Set Theory, Paul Halmos