Barricade DP: Array to Binary Tree

Posted on Jun 4, 2020

1043F-Make It One
Solved it using binary search over $1$ to $N$. But it wasnt necessary as it can be seen that if the gcd of some subset is $1$ where $ A_i \leq 300,000 $, then the size of that subset can be maximum $7$ (so bruteforce over $1$ to $7$ would have worked).

Proof: It’s $7$ because if we take small primes greedily and making their gcd not equal to $1$, then after $8^{th}$ element, it would exceed $300,000$.

1271E-Common Number
Required $2$ different binary searches for odd and even number, but found out that.. it’s not necessary to do $2$ seperate searches. As, we can simply to do binary search for even numbers and check if $2\cdot k+1$ satifies or not.

for(int bits = 60; bits>=0; bits--)
	if(func(answer + (1LL<<bits)) >= K)
		answer += 1LL<<bits;

// always use 1LL << bits " for integers not fitting in int (32 bits)"

This way of binary search first goes on with even number and at the end checks if we can add $1$ or not. So, it was ideal for this question.

BANQUNT-Banned Quotient
Got the main idea during contest, but didn’t knew how to count the number of groups (of size $p$), for this the whole segement $[1, N]$ can be divided into segments $[L_i, R_i]$ where every group starting from a number in these segments ( will have some particular size $p$), and hence we can calculate the number of numbers which aren’t divisible by $K$.

EZRMQ-Carry Bed
Some new ideas used in this problem -> Barricade DP and converting the given array into binary tree such that $LCA(u, v)$ would be the index of element which holds the maxmimum value in range $[u, v]$. And then doing barricade kinda DP on the given binary tree. Also, the main thing for complexity is it’s $O(N^2)$, as each pair of nodes is evaluted just once while considering their $LCA$.

int construct_tree(int l, int r){
		return -1;
	int in = l;
	for(int i=l;i<=r;i++)
		if(v[i]>v[in]) in = i;
	int vs[2] = {construct_tree(l, in-1),construct_tree(in+1,r)};
	forn(i,2) if(vs[i]!=-1) adj[in].pb(vs[i]);
	return in;

HXR-Xor Jar Muluk Tar
Simple Problem related to Matrix Exponentiation with XOR " rather than addition “, to solve it efficiently, we can maintain bitsets (both Rows and Columns) and calculate Matrix multiplication.

bitset<N> row[MAXN], col[MAXN];
bitset<N> mrow[MAXN], mcol[MAXN];

void mul_mat(bitset<N> *r, bitset<N> *c, bitset<N> *c2){
	bitset<N> rx[MAXN], cx[MAXN];
			rx[i][j] = cx[j][i] = (r[i]&c2[j]).count()&1;
	forn(i,n) r[i] = rx[i], c[i] = cx[i];

void expo(int k){
	forn(i,n) mrow[i][i] = mcol[i][i] = 1;
		if(k&1) mul_mat(mrow,mcol,col);