
Randomized Solution

This post is regarding a recent problem from Codeforces Round 716 Div2 which can be solved using a randomized approach.

This is the first problem I solved using randomization approach, so it’s special.


This problem requires to find out the existence of the super-most frequent element in a given range \([l, r]\) of an array.

Definition: Super-most frequent element in a range \([l,r]\) is the element with frequency greater than \(\lceil \frac{r-l+1}{2} \rceil\).

To find such an array element (let’s say it exists), it can be seen that the probability of any array element between \([l, r]\) to be super-most freuqent (SMF) is \(1/2\) as the number of SMF is greater than half of the total.

Therefore, we can utilize a random algorithmic approach, where we will choose an element randomly from the range \([l,r]\) ~\(40\) times and check it’s frequency in \(O(\log n)\) using binary search over the indices it occur. \(40\) times because then the probability of all of the selected random element not to be SMF will be \(2^{-40}\) which is really less.

To generate the random number in c++ following code can be used:

// initializing random_number_generator - rng
mt19937 rng(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());

// to generate a number in the range [l, r]
int random_number = uniform_int_distribution<int>(l,r)(rng)